
金 磊



金 磊





Email: Ljin@nju.edu.cn












2014/07-2017/07, Head & Neck Surgery Department, MD Anderson Medical Center, Visiting Scholar

2012/02-2014/01Head & Neck Surgery Department, MD Anderson Medical Center, Visiting Associate Professor



从事口腔医学临床专业工作20余年,现任南京大学医学院附属金陵医院口腔科主任医师、教授、博士研究生导师。技术专长为牙体牙髓、牙周病、牙缺失等口腔常见病、多发病的诊治及美容修复、微创修复、种植修复和颌面缺损赝复等。担任医学研究生学报编委、Journal of dental research 等近十个杂志同行评议人。20122月至20142月为美国MD Anderson Medical Center客座副教授。20147月至20177月为美国MD Anderson Medical Center访问学者。

已发表60余篇论文,其中第一、通讯作者SCI论文24篇,SCI累计影响因子80余分。2011年,获得Frechette世界口腔修复新研究奖; 获江苏省科技厅第十三届江苏省青年科技奖。以第一负责人身份主持国家自然科学基金项目4项, 江苏省“333工程”科研项目2项, 2014年获得江苏省自然科学基金-杰出青年基金项目资助。江苏省“333”、 江苏省“六大人才高峰”等高层次人才培养工程培养对象及江苏省医学重点人才;南京医科大学优秀研究生导师团队。


主要研究方向是口腔生物材料与组织工程;头颈部放化疗患者的口腔健康维护:研究采用水基电泳成型技术,克服纳米粉体表面比大、易团聚问题,成功成型氧化锆修复体,在提高材料机械性能的同时大幅降低了制作成本,具有临床应用价值;制备了微观形态与人骨松质相近的三维联通纳米氧化锆多孔支架,支架孔径和孔隙率皆为可控,骨髓间充质干细胞在支架上附着及生长情况俱佳,成骨分化表达良好,为进一步的临床应用转化奠定了基础;基于对放化疗患者的口腔健康普查得出的结果,结合美国MD Anderson Cancer Center放、化疗患者口腔健康检查维护方法与防护措施,制定符合我国放化疗患者的口腔健康检查、防护、治疗方法,编写放化疗患者口腔健康指导手册,预防和治疗癌症患者因放化疗引起的口颌系统不适和并发症,以期提高放化疗患者口颌系统健康水平。


  1. Shuai Yi#*, Bingyao Liu, Guilong Zhou, Liang Rong, Chunzi Niu, Lei Jin *.Oral manifestations related to malaria: A systematic review. Oral Diseases. 2020;00:1–5. (accepted) (IF=2.625)

  2. Shuai Yi#*, Wang Junlan#, Jianghui Juan#, Yu Yang, Lei Jin *. Oral-maxillofacial adverse events related to antimalarials. Oral Dis. 2020. (accepted) (IF=2.625)

  3. Yi Shuai, Zhang Zhang, Tao Guo, Rui Yang, Lei Jin*, Wenjia Liu* Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: A Mini Review European Medical Journal. EMJ EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL . RHEUMATOLOGY • July 2019:90-100

  4. Shuai Yi#, Yang Rui#, Mu Rui#, Yu Yang, Rong Liang, Lei Jin*. MiR-199a-3p Mediates the Adipogenic Differentiation of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Regulating KDM6A/WNT Signaling. LIF=e Sci. 2019; 220(\):84-91( IF=3.448)

  5. Shengqi Zang, Rui Mu, Feng Chen, Xiaocui We, Lei Zhu, Biyao Han, Hongchuan Yu, Bo Bi,Bo Chen, Qintao Wang, Lei Jin*, Injectable chitosan/β-glycerophosphate hydrogels with sustained release of BMP-7 and ornidazole in periodontal wound healing of class III furcation defects. Materials Science & Engineering C 99 (2019) 919–928 (IF=4.959)

  6. Lei Zhu, Juan Ma, Rui Mu, Ruiqiao Zhu, Feng Chen, Xiaocui Wei, Xiaolei Shi, Shengqi Zang, Lei Jin*. Bone morphogenetic protein 7 promotes odontogenic dIF=ferentiation of dental pulp stem cells in vitro. LIF=e Sciences. June 2018, 202(1) 175-181 (IF=2.93)

  7. Rui Yang, Yurong Tao, Chao Wang, Yi Shuai, Lei Jin*, Circulating microRNA panel as a novel biomarker to diagnose bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw . International Journal of Medical Science. 2018; 15(14): 1694-1701(IF=2.333)

  8. Wang, Lei; Asempah, Isaac; Li, Xu; Zang, Shengqi; Zhou, Yanfei; Ding, Jie;LeiJin*.Indentation size effect in aqueous electrophoretic deposition zirconia dental ceramic. Journal of materials research.dol:10.1557/jmr. 2018.464 (IF=1.982)

  9. Shengqi Zang*,Lei Zhu*, Kefu Luo,Rui Mu,Feng Chen, Xiaocui Wei, Xiaodong Yan,Biyao Han,Xiaolei Shi,Qintao Wang, LeiJin*.Chitosan composite scaffold combined with bone marrowderived mesenchymal stem cells for bone regeneration: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. Oncotarget 2017. 8 :110890-110903(IF=5.168)

  10. Wang, Lei*, Isaac Asempah, Song-Tao Dong, Pian-Pian Yin, Lei Jin*, Quantitative studies of electric field intensity on atom dIF=fusion of Cu/Ta/Si stacks during annealing, Surface Science,2017,399,215–219 (IF=4.439)

  11. Shengqi Zang#, Lei Jin#, Shuai Kang, Xin Hu, Meng Wang, Jinjin Wang, Bo Chen, Bo Peng and Qintao Wang*. Periodontal Wound Healing by Transplantation of Jaw Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chitosan/Anorganic Bovine Bone Carrier into One-Wall Infrabony Defects in Beagles. Journal of Periodontology, 2016, 87(8):971-81(IF=3.030)

  12. Yinglan Zhu,Ruiqiao Zhu,Juan Ma,Zhiqiang Weng,Yang Wang,Xiaolei Shi,Yicai Li,Xiaodong Yan,Zhen Dong,Jinke Xu,Chengzhong Tang and Lei Jin*. In vitro cell proliferation evaluation of porous nano-zirconia scaffolds with dIF=ferent porosity for bone tissue engineering.Biomed Mater,2015.10(5):055009. (IF=3.361)

  13. Kun Yuan#, Fu Wang#, Jing Gao, Xiang Sun, Zai-Xi Deng, Hui Wang, Lei Jin*, Ji-Hua Chen*, Effect of zircon-based tricolor pigments on the color, microstructure, flexural strength and translucency of a novel dental lithium disilicate glass-ceramic. J Biomed Mater Res Part B 2013. 2014;102(1):98-107 (IF=2.759)

  14. Lei Jin#, Erich M. Sturgis, Yang Zhang#, Zhigang Huang, Peng Wei, Wei Guo, Zhongqiu Wang, Qingyi Wei, Xicheng Song, and Guojun Li*,Genetic variants in p53-related genes confer susceptibility to second primary malignancy in patients with index squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck. Carcinogenesis, 2013,34(7):1551-1557. (IF=5.266)

  15. Lei Jin#, Erich M. Sturgis, Xiaolin Cao#, Xicheng Song, Taufiq Salahuddin, Qingyi Wei, and Guojun Li*,Interleukin-10 promoter variants predict HPV-positive tumors and survival of squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. The FASEB Journal,2013.27(6):2496-2503(IF=5.48)

  16. Lei Jin#, Erich M Sturgis, Yang Zhang#, Zhigang Huang#, Xicheng Song, Chao Li, Qingyi Wei, and Guojun Li*, Association of tumor necrosis factor-alpha promoter variants with risk of HPV-associated oral squamous cell carcinoma. Molecular Cancer. 2013.12:80(IF=5.397)

  17. Xicheng Song#, Lei Jin#, Erich M. Sturgis, Zhongqiu Wang, Qingyi Wei, Guojun Li*, Variants in nucleotide excision repair core genes and susceptibility to recurrence of squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. International Journal of Cancer. 2013.133(3):695-704(IF=5.007)

  18. Wei Bao#, Lei Jin#, Hai-jing Fu#, Yong-nian Shen, Gui-Xia Lu, Huan Mei, Xin-zhi Cao, Hong-sheng Wang*, Interleukin-22 Mediates Early Host Defense against Rhizomucor pusilluscan Pathogens. PloS One. 2013.6.17,8(6)(IF=3.534)

  19. Weiwei Nie#, Lei Jin#, Yanru Wang, Zexing Wang, Xiaoxiang Guan*. The Bioinformatics Analysis of miRNAs Signatures DIF=ferentially Expressed in HER2(+) Versus HER2(-) Breast Cancers. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2013.28(1):71-76(IF=1.738)

  20. Qianli Ma#, Wei Wang#, Paul K Chu, Shenglin Mei, Kun Ji, Lei Jin*, Yumei hang*, Concentration- and time-dependent response of human gingival fibroblasts to fibroblast growth factor 2 immobilized on titanium dental implants. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2012.7:1965-1976 (IF=3.463)

  21. Lei Jin#, Li Xu, Xicheng Song#, Qingyi Wei, Erich M. Sturgis, Guojun Li*, Genetic variation in MDM2 and p14ARF and susceptibility to salivary gland carcinoma, PLoS One. 2012.09.01,7(11)(IF=3.73)

  22. Lei Jin #, Wang SH,Wang ZY*,Chen LL, Wang XH*, Fabrication of nanosized 3Y-TZP ceramic dental restoration frameworks on gypsum models by aqueous electrophoretic deposition,Advances in Applied Ceramics,2008.2.01,107(1):34-36 (IF=0.871)

  23. Lei Jin#, Zhongyi Wang, Liangliang Chen,  Jun Jia, Xiaohui Wang*,Aqueous electrophretic deposition fabricate allceramic dental crown,Journal of US-China Medical Science,2007.04.01,04(01):17-20

  24. Lei Jin #, Wang Zhongyi, Chen Liangliang, Jia Jun,Wang Xiaohui*, Fabrication of in-ceram dental restoration by aqueous electrophoretic deposition, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2007.9.0136:191-194


1. 头颈部放化疗患者口颌系统健康维护研究,江苏省医学重点人才培养类别A100万,课题编号:ZDRCA2016095


3. 基于钠米氧化锆/羟基磷灰石复合支架的RU486嵌合反式激活表达系统在颌骨修复中作用的基础研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,65万,课题编号:81571817

4. 颌面部骨组织缺损体外纳米复合材料支架的构建及性能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,28万,课题编号:81071261


6. 水基EPD近型成型高强度纳米Y-TZP义齿修复生物陶瓷,国家自然科学基金面上项目,8万,课题编号:30970722

